Monday, March 10, 2008


So it started out as any other Saturday. After breakfast and cleaning up the house. We loaded the strollers to take the boys on a ride so that Nate and I could go for a run. We decided we would run through Snow Canyon Park. On our way we stopped at the Wells Fargo bank at Albertsons on bluff. Nate had just finished doing an employee's taxes and was getting the money from the bank. I waited out in the car with the boys while he ran in. After what seemed like a very long time to make a quick withdrawal I see a police officer come squealing into the parking lot and then take up like 5 spots. I of course was judging and being very irritated until he jumped out of his car carrying an assault riffle and ran into the store. My heart sank and I started to panic. Nate's employee was parked just across from me. She got out of her car and the officer said "lock your door and windows and stay inside!" She ran over and got in the car with us and I began to cry. I could not believe of all the banks and all the days someone wood rob the bank that Nate was in. I have never heard, or of course seen on t.v. any bank robbery that ended well! I prayed just as hard as I could that Nate would be protected. After what seemed like an eternity, but prob. about 10min. The whole store was surrounded and know one was aloud in or out of the store! Melissa, Nate's employee, got out of the car and went up to one of the officers to see if everything was alright! he said " yes we have the guy, we are just getting statements." Well of course the guy ended up standing right next to Nate at the next window. he said he heard him say something about "jail" and hand the teller a note. When her face went white and fear came into her eyes he started putting the pieces together! He tried to keep things light and remain calm. The guy then said to the teller " I will just wait over here". and sat down in a chair ? The note continued to be passed to other tellers and now Nate was the only one standing there, so the other tellers thought HE was trying to rob the bank! :) The confusion was cleared and they finished his transaction. He left and found another gentleman to stand and watch the guy until the cops came, just in case. It turns out he was wanting to go to jail. He had no weapons and didn't put up a fight. The note said " I need $500 call the cops and I will just wait over here till they come." :/ The FBI are still looking into it. I am SOOO grateful that things turned out the way that they did and Nate was kept safe! It definitely makes you look at the big picture a little different! I am so grateful for my family, especially Nate! :)


Jamey said...

What are the odds...I would totally be freaked out! I am glad that everything turned out okay!

Crystal said...

So scary!! Glad Nate was ok

Nadine said...

i'm so glad that everything turned out okay. that was really intense.

Emma said...

Holy smokes that is so scary! I can't imagine how scared you must have been! Glad everything turned out okay!

Mik'L said...

No way! That is crazy! What a weird story. Glad everyone is okay! So the real question is...did you guys still go running after??? ;)

Stacy and Mike said...

CRAZY!! Glad everyone got out alright!! What a bizzare robbery!?

Danielle said...

Thats SO scary! Sounds like Nate handled it well though! Kind of a strange way to get to jail. . .

Linds said...

Oh my about scary! Wow! I am so glad that everything ended up ok and the Nate was safe!

Bundy 6 Pak said...

Holy Smokes! No Way! What are the odds? We are SO glad no one was hurt, especially Nate.

Abby said...

I still can't believe it! I read it in the paper the next day. Sooo crazy!

It was sooo good seeing you on saturday! Your boys are sooo cute! Still can't believe you have 3 of them!

Rachel said...

Wow, that's crazy! Glad it turned out well. That's funny they thought Nate was the robber for a minute! How many miles are you running? Heidi and I are running three days a week and I've been meaning to call you to see if you want to join us. Are you still planning on doing the marathon?

Becky Seymour said...

that was quite the dramatic story. Everything happens to you Ambur!! I am so glad everything is okay, and so confused as to why that guy wanted to go to jail. Weird. Glad you are all okay and GREAT job on your running, especially with 3 kids!

Brooke Bennett said...

I was reading Jamey's blog post about her crazy Saturday and she had mentioned that you guys had a crazier I had to read. I can't believe that happened. Glad to hear that Nate is safe!

Brooke (White) Bennett

jaesi said...

shnikes! I would have been freaking out too!
Ha ha, Nate robbing a bank.....

Holly Woolsey said...

I can't believe that happened to you guys! What was that guy thinking!!! Crazy!

BTW...I am going private soon, so send me your email and I'll invite you in

Heather B said...

HOLY CRAP! What a crazy story, SO glad all was well. What's with that guY????

Holly Woolsey said...

Ambur, email me your address and I will add you to my blog!

Aimee & Brennen Fuller said...

OH MY GOSH! What the heck!?!? Seriously what are the odds? Well I'm glad that Nate really wasn't in on the bank scam and that he came out on top. Loved the update!

Sandy said...

Hey you! I saw your blog on staci schofield's blog. I didnt know you even had one. What a crazy story too that is scary. Well if you want my blog its Hopefully we can stay in touch better!


Geez, that is crazy! Glad to know that Nate is OK. What a crazy situation to be for both of you 2!

Kristen said...

okay, I saw that on the news! Scary!! Now you can add our blog to your list!

Camille said...

You guys seem to have the craziest things happen to you. I'm sure glad all is well.

Find The Time Mama said...

Wow, scary stuff! I hope you all are alright.

Aimee & Brennen Fuller said...

YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! Here are the instructions:

You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name. Each fact must begin with that letter. If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name. After you've been tagged, you need to update your blog with your middle name and answers. At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and need to read your blog for details).