Saturday, November 3, 2007


Jake (Ninja, Jake is Ambur's little Bro for those of you who don't know), Trey (Candy Corn), Peyton (Spiderman Jr.), and Mason(Spiderman).All the boys had a great time trick or treating in their costumes. Peyton had a mask too that he would not keep on. Trey actually stayed awake through most of the festivities. We went to about 20 houses before they all started asking when we were going home.


Holly Woolsey said...

So cute! I decided I love when they are young and don't want to trick or treat all night! They are very content with a few pieces of candy! It's great.

Aimee & Brennen Fuller said...

Your boys are so cute! Thanks for playing with us that night!

jaesi said...

Trey looks so old in the walker!
I guess thats what happens though.
What CUTE handsome boys.

Mandyloo said...

So cute, so cute!!

Bundy 6 Pak said...

Man you guys have the cutest boys! Just wanna kiss Treys cheeks!!